Exit Signs & Emergency Lightning

Emergency and Power Failure Lighting

During an emergency or power outage, emergency lighting is crucial to providing illumination in a building. To ensure compliance, all lighting used in your property must adhere to AS-2293.3 and AS/NZS-60598.1 (or AS-3137 for older lighting).





Exit lighting, which is essential for directing people towards the exit, must bear the emergency escape light fitting identification symbol and direction arrow. These signs must be clearly visible in both dark and lit conditions, and should remain lit for sufficient time to enable occupants to evacuate in case of emergency.





At Total Fire Compliance, we understand the importance of exit signs and emergency lighting as part of a building’s essential safety measures. That’s why we conduct inspections and testing every six months, in accordance with ESM regulations.

testing fire exit 
emergency lighting and exit doors

Inspection and Testing

At Total Fire Compliance, we specialize in performing regular inspections and testing of Emergency and Exit sign lighting for both residential and commercial properties. Our services help ensure compliance with Occupational Health and Safety regulations and fulfill Duty of Care obligations for insurance and auditing purposes.





We stay up to date with the latest LED exit sign and emergency light fixtures to provide our customers with the most energy-efficient and reliable options available. We offer a warranty on all parts and labor for added peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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